Let’s make the Fall Bike Celebration a safe success.
Signing up for the Fall Bike Celebration is optional but the need for smart safe practices is not. We will be asking everyone to follow prevailing USA Cycling’s recommended COVID-19 Coronavirus precautions and government mandates to protect others as well as yourself. The following advisories are dated from 2021 and will be updated very soon.
- If you are sick, please stay home.
- Masks are welcome but not required at our outdoor events. Participants, spectators and staff are kindly asked to bring your own mask whenever possible, actively observe good physical distancing and practice good clean-hands hygiene.
- We will have limited quantities of masks for those who forgot their own. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be in use.
- We will follow current CDC and State of Michigan COVID-19 guidelines. As a non-profit organization we may add requirements to further safeguard our guests, staff, & volunteers. We encourage vaccinations but do not require participants to be vaccinated to attend.
- Click here to see USA Cycling’s excellent COVID-19 resources.
We appreciate your participation, patience and good humor. We truly are all in this together.
Depending on the mosquito situation in Michigan this year, it’s a good idea to use a DEET based mosquito repellent when enjoying yourself outside — especially around the hours of dawn and dusk. (We’re told this is a good practice anytime you are exposed to such risks for more than about 15 minutes.)

Source: https://www.pinghd.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/protect-yourself-covid-19-digital-signage-template-1024×576.jpg